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AEW Dynamite Results for June 30, 2021


Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, and Excalibur were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

Chris Jericho joined the commentary team for the night!

It’s Wednesday night, and you know what that means!

World Tag Team Title Eliminator Match!

AEW World Tag Team Champions The Young Bucks—Matt & Nick Jackson (with Brandon Cutler) vs. “Mad King” Eddie Kingston & Penta El Zero Miedo (with Alex Abrahantes)!

If the team of Kingston and Penta El Zero Miedo win, they earn a future title match.

The Bucks debuted new…facial hair.

Eddie rolled up Matt Jackson at the start of the match, trying to win things early. He held Matt down while Penta El Zero Miedo crashed onto Matt from the top rope…whazzz up?!

The Bucks used their world-famous tandem offense to regain momentum on Penta El Zero Miedo. Finally a hot tag was made to Eddie Kingston, and Eddie came in with fists of fire. He used a fishermen’s suplex on Nick Jackson for a near fall. Matt Jackson pulled Eddie to the outside of the ring, but Eddie retaliated with an exploder suplex! Brandon Cutler blinded Eddie with the cold spray. Nick Jackson splashed Eddie Kingston from off the ring apron to the arena floor at Daily’s Place.

The Bucks cut the ring in half and worked over Eddie in their corner. Matt stomped on Eddie and tagged in Nick Jackson. The Bucks dished out kicks to Kingston and Kingston absorbed them. Finally Nick knocked down Kingston with a running knee strike. Eddie Kingston caught Nick off guard on the top rope and dazed Nick with big time headbutts. Kingston superplexed Nick Jackson, but the move took a little out of both wrestlers.

Penta El Zero Miedo tagged in and used a DDT on Matt Jackson and then a sling blade on Nick Jackson. Penta El Zero Miedo followed up with a corkscrew Code Red for a (very) near fall on Matt Jackson! Nick Jackson tagged in but Penta El Zero Miedo nailed him with a backstabber for a two-count. Matt Jackson jumped onto Eddie Kingston with a diving cross body press onto the ramp! Nick Jackson distracted ref Rick Knock and connected with a low blow on Penta El Zero Miedo. The Young Bucks got a near fall on Penta El Zero Miedo with a package piledriver foot stomp combo!

The Good Brothers came down and watched the match from ringside.

The Young Bucks invited Eddie Kingston to a superkick party and dropped him after three vicious shots! Brandon Cutler accidentally used the cold spray on Matt Jackson! “The Elite Hunter” Frankie Kazarian ran down to even up the odds. Penta El Zero Miedo nailed Matt Jackson with Fear Factor and then Eddie Kingston blasted Matt and scored the pin!

This was an insanely spectacular opener to tonight’s DYNAMITE!

Earlier in the day, Christian Cage told Jungle Boy backstage he was proud of him after Jungle Boy took Kenny Omega to the brink last week. “Go out there tonight and be the first AEW wrestler with fifty wins,” he said.

Luchasaurus told Christian Cage he appreciate him for having Jungle Boy’s back. Luchasaurus said he was loyal and in return, he had Christian’s back.

Tony Schiavone interviewed “All Ego” Ethan Page (with Scorpio Sky) about his upcoming Coffin Match with Darby Allin!

“My goal is not to beat Darby Allin. My goal is to exterminate Darby Allin. Nobody in this company has down more to cripple him than me. After everything I’ve done, he keeps coming back. Crippling him physically is not an option anymore. The Coffin Match will cripple him mentally. Darby, I’m going to beat you in this Coffin Match and when I beat you, every time you go for a Coffin Drop, you’ll think of me! And every time you do a Coffin Drop, you’ll think of me closing the lid of the coffin on your confidence forever!”

Winter arrived in Jacksonville as Sting rolled out a coffin onto the ramp. Sting pulled a sheet off the coffin and Darby Allin popped out! Darby sprinted to the ring and gouged at the eyes of Ethan Page! Sting decimated Scorpio Sky with a Scorpion Death Drop!

“You knew you couldn’t beat me at 100% so the match is off! If you sign something in writing and don’t touch me, maybe I’ll allow the match to be held at Fyter Fest,” yelled Ethan Page.

Jungle Boy vs. TH2’s Jack Evans was up next!

“Jungle Boy in search of his 50th win here tonight,” noted Excalibur.

They chain wrestled at the start of the match with Jungle Boy getting the better of Jack Evans. Jungle Boy locked on the Snare Trap, but Jack Evans crawled to the ropes for a rope break. Jack Evans knocked Jungle Boy to the mat with a leaping kick. Jungle Boy came back with an arm drag on Jack Evans and then a dropkick!

Jack Evans staggered Jungle Boy with a roundhouse kick. Jack Evans tried for a spider German Suplex, but Evans landed on his feet. Jungle Boy grabbed the Snare Trap and forced Jack Evans to tap out!

The Hardy Family Office ran down after the match! Matt Hardy and Christian Cage brawled in the ring, with Christian Cage tearing off Hardy’s suit jacket. Luchasaurus and Marko Stunt traded punches with Private Party! Matt Hardy had enough of Christian Cage and retreated to the back.

Earlier in the day, MJF had some things to get off his chest. MJF said next week he’d announce the stipulations for Chris Jericho in order for Jericho to earn one last match with Max…as long as Jericho could make it through all of MJF’s stips.

Andrade El Idolo was interviewed by Alex Abrahantes.

“Matt ‘Something’ (Sydal) interrupted me last week? In Miami, at ROAD RAGER, I’ll make my AEW in-ring debut against Matt ‘Something.’”

Tony Schiavone interviewed AEW World Champion Kenny Omega in the ring.

“Today I woke up feeling like a king because it was upon further reflection that I realized not only did I defeat the toughest guy in AEW, the top merch selling act in AEW, the best high flyer in AEW, I also defeated the most promising up and comer in AEW—Jungle Boy—and that was last week. It pains me to say with no one left in AEW to defeat, I’ll have to take some time off and I’ll defend my other championships somewhere else,” said Omega.

Evil Uno and The Dark Order walked out to the ring to interrupt Omega.

Evil Uno: “I think you know someone who we have befriended, someone you used to be very good friends with, the #1 ranked singles wrestler in all of AEW.”

The crowd chanted for “Hangman” Adam Page.

Omega: “Hey, if you actually are talking about the same person that I think you’re talking about, I don’t think he would appreciate you speaking on behalf of him. Also, if you’re talking about the same person that I think you’re talking about, I don’t think he has the guts to face Kenny Omega. Unless you’ve got something else up your sleeves Dark Order, this is where I say, ‘Goodbye and good night.’”

TNT Title Match!

TNT Champion Miro vs. Brian Pillman, Jr. (with Griff Garrison & Julia Hart)!

Miro’s AEW single record is 10-0!

“He has a messiah complex,” said Jericho about Miro.

Pillman dodged a kick from Miro. Pillman chopped away at Miro’s chest. Miro grabbed Pillman and launched him overhead. Miro rammed forearms into Pillman’s lower back. Miro suplexed Pillman and followed up with a fallaway slam! Miro clubbed Pillman’s sternum.

Pillman knocked Miro to the arena floor with a springboard dropkick. He followed through with a running baseball slide. Pillman whipped Miro into the steel guardrail. Pillman tried for a pin after a springboard clothesline, but Miro kicked out quickly. Miro blasted Pillman with a roundhouse kick!

“Pillman has nowhere to go!” said Excalibur.

Miro locked on the Game Over submission and ref Aubrey Edwards stopped the match!

“Who can stop this man?” wondered Excalibur.

Alex Marvez was backstage with The Dark Order and “Hangman” Adam Page.

“Do you guys think I’m afraid of Kenny!?” asked Adam Page.

“No, but we think you’re afraid of failure. We believe in you, Adam,” said a reassuring Colt Cabana.

“Adam, you’ve waited long enough. This is your time,” added Alex Reynolds.

Earlier in the day, Taz and Team Taz (Hook and Powerhouse Hobbs) had breaking news.

“Ricky Starks isn’t here. ‘The Machine’ Brian Cage isn’t here. On July 14th on AEW DYNAMITE, Brian Cage will defend the FTW Championship against Ricky Starks! Sometimes family members need to have a good ol’ fashioned fight to clear things up,” said Taz.

AEW Women’s World Champion Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. & Rebel vs. “The Native Beast” Nyla Rose & Vickie Guerrero!

Britt Baker clocked Vickie! The doctor is in! Rebel jumped on Nyla’s back. Nyla flipped Rebel onto the mat and then splashed her! Rebel tried to get the tag, but Britt didn’t want it. Nyla Rose dropped a leg onto Rebel. She slammed Rebel again and then tagged in Vickie.

“What’s she going to do? Yell at her?” asked Jericho.

Baker finally tagged in and surprised Nyla with a sling blade! She nailed Nyla with a thrust kick. Nyla choke slammed Baker! Nyla draped Baker over the top rope and crashed down with a brutal knee!

Vickie tagged in and told Nyla to climb to the top rope. Britt kicked Vickie into Nyla, sending Nyla falling hard to the ring apron. Baker applied her Lockjaw finisher to Vickie and made Vickie tap out!

Nyla attacked Britt Baker from behind after the match. Nyla Rose powerbombed Britt Baker from the ring to the outside through a table!

Time for our Main Event! A First-Time Meeting!

The Pinnacle’s MJF vs. “The Spanish God” Sammy Guevara of Inner Circle!

MJF knocked down Sammy with a shoulder tackle and then did the Fargo strut. MJF used a cross chop into Sammy’s throat. Sammy tried to counter with a GTH, but MJF blocked it. They were meeting each other move for move!

Sammy had enough of the technical wrestling and pounced on MJF. As the ref tried to pull Sammy off of MJF, MJF gouged Sammy in the eyes. Sammy kept his cool and connected with a springboard cutter on MJF for a near fall!

“So smooth! Only the top-level athletes can move as smooth as Sammy. What an amazing match. Both men have each other scouted perfectly,” said Jericho.

Sammy backdropped MJF on the arena floor! Sammy tried for a springboard dropkick back into the ring, but MJF countered with a Liger Bomb! Sammy met MJF on the ropes and sent him flying with a Spanish (God) Fly! Sammy followed up with clotheslines and then a high kick, staggering MJF. Sammy clotheslined MJF again, sending him to the outside of the ring. Sammy flew over the top rope and smashed down onto MJF! Sammy blasted MJF with a springboard Destroyer for a near fall!

The fans chanted “This is awesome!”

“These fans are damn right,” said Jericho.

Sammy dropkicked MJF in the face, sending MJF to the other side of the barricade! Sammy climbed to the top rope and jumped over the guardrail, into the fans, and onto MJF!

“This is what AEW is all about,” said Schiavone.

“There’s nothing like seeing AEW live,” agreed Jim Ross.

Sammy climbed to the top turnbuckle, but MJF got up. MJF spiked Sammy with a tombstone piledriver off the turnbuckles! Immediately MJF came up clutching his own knee.

“A bad break for MJF,” said Jim Ross.

“He’s really hurt here, guys,” replied Tony Schiavone.

“MJF can’t even pull himself up to his feet,” added Excalibur.

MJF limped over to Sammy and Sammy rolled him up for a two-count. MJF attempted the Heat Seeker, but Sammy pushed him away. Sammy caught MJF with the GTH and went for the pin, but MJF put his foot on the ropes to break the count!

“An extremely lucky break for MJF,” said Excalibur.

Sammy climbed to the top rope for the 630 splash. MJF begged off Sammy. “The Spanish God” wasn’t listening to MJF’s prayers and crashed down onto MJF with the 630 splash! MJF kicked out of the pin attempt!

Shawn Spears walked down to the ring. Chris Jericho left the announce table to stop Spears, but Wardlow grabbed Jericho and threw him off the stage! Spears smashed a steel chair into Sammy and then MJF pinned Sammy!

“MJF escaped by the skin of his teeth,” said Excalibur.

Be sure to tune in next Wednesday for the ROAD RAGER edition of DYNAMITE, live on TNT!


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